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Writing love songs.

1,789 Views | 37 Replies

Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:08:05

Well, I figured it was about time to make my significant other feel special. I sort of goofed up (yelled at her) and she has been sorta down lately so I've decided to write a love song... however, I am at a complete loss of what to say.

Some help would be nice such as asking me questions and what not. Thanks in advance guys.

Funny stuff too =P.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:09:10

Some help would be nice such as asking me questions and what not. Thanks in advance guys.

Funny stuff too =P.

y ask here... you know everyone is going to write something nasty or stupid

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:09:20

stick it in her bum

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:15:09

At 1/18/05 06:09 PM, demon_knight wrote: y ask here... you know everyone is going to write something nasty or stupid

Thats half the point. You would be suprised at how many sweet things can be thought up from the sick things people say here.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:17:38

At 1/18/05 06:15 PM, -Canas- wrote: Here:

Ooh baby baby baby...
May I touch your vagina?
Just maybe?

Baby baby I wont to fondle your boobs!

thats awesome

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:19:55

mention her eyes and compare their color to stuff. Things like 'Your green eyes are like the love we share, ever blooming with verdant goodness' or something. I'm a little too caught up in poetics to really write a good love song, because I'd be concentrating too much on the rhyming and the beat and such, rather than what just sounds good.

Be sure to refer to really personal shit and such. Do it in a way that she won't be embarrassed though. (so only make reference, don't just come out and say it).

That's all the advice I've got for ya, sorry.

BBS Signature

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:21:40

At 1/18/05 06:19 PM, Evark wrote: That's all the advice I've got for ya, sorry.

That was perfection in a tightly nit basket. Thanks much.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:22:43

Ooh baby
You drive me crazy
You're a friend in need
Yet we must take heed
Against a sea of both our troubles
You're my fairy liquid bubbles
I want to shower you in sugar lumps
And ride you over fences
Polish your hooves every single day
And bring you to the horse dentist...
My lovely horse
You're a pony no more

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:23:18

At 1/18/05 06:21 PM, Crimson_Edge wrote: That was perfection in a tightly nit basket. Thanks much.

Welcome. I'm always glad to lend a helping hand to musical arts. Especially when it is of the sappy type.

Glad water doesn't spill through my weaving, however.

BBS Signature

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:28:51

At 1/18/05 06:08 PM, Crimson_Edge wrote: Funny stuff too =P.

Um, here are a few verses.

Oh, honey, stop your fucking whining,
Just spread your legs and let me stick my love pump,
Into your silky lining.

Yeah, try that and, let us know how it went.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:29:30

At 1/18/05 06:24 PM, -Canas- wrote: Or like "You eyes are blue like my balls if you dont SUCK EM HOE!"......

How clever and mature. I'm sure that is exactly what his girlfriend would like to hear after he had just yelled at her and is trying to make it better...

I also wanted to point out that if you can get one single phrase, statement, or question in the entire song that is so mindblowingly clever that even you yourself become awestruck listening to it, use it more than once. I could think of a couple examples right now, but I'm not going to.

Sometimes the best love songs are corny, and sometimes the best ones are just downright base when it comes to lyrics. I guess it's all just a matter of sound.

Good luck with all this.

BBS Signature

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:39:17

My lovely girl, you make my heart fizzly
I love you in sunshine, and weather more drizzly
I love everything, from your face to your chest
My lovely girl, you know you're the best
I apologise for you finding me sniffing your vest
I wouldn't question your judgement, you know that you're blessed
With a lover like me,
Who everyone wants to be,
Your lips are like cherries
Your figure, strawberries
Your legs like my mother's
And your face like my brother's
When they ask, "D'you luvv us,"
I reply, "God above us,"
"My love is soley for the girl in my life,"
"I wonder if she'd ever become my wife,"
"She can try some kinky stuff with a knife,"
I'm filled with lust
And bits of dust
I love you baby,
I also love gravy.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:52:51

Keep em coming guys. I'm getting great ideas.


Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 18:58:24

At 1/18/05 06:29 PM, Hycran wrote: what the hell are you doing
fucking a throw pillow?

Throw pillows are the ultimate in self-inflicted sexual pleasure these days. They come in all sizes and colours.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 19:01:56

At 1/18/05 06:53 PM, -Canas- wrote: Pfft some chicks like that shit man.

Got me there. :-\
I know what you mean though, I don't understand why girls put up with shit like that.

o_O Yea... just nevermind

Heh. K.

Crims: I'm looking forward to hearing the completed thing. I'll be sure to bump this with some more inspiration later so that others can see it and respond.

BBS Signature

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 19:05:36

Buy her a card man, don't discrace us with a song. When she breaks up with you, you will get made fun of for it.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 19:12:44

there is a think called guilt
that is not how love is built
I know that I yelled
But now I am compelled
To say
I love you

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 19:14:23

I recoomend, in the style of light rock of the 80's, you do a song called let ninjas lift your heart.

oh, let ninjas lift your hearrrrrrrrt
let ninjas lift your heeeaaarrt baby
because they're ninjas and if you don't do what they want
they can kill you with a throwing star
to the HEART

I have nothing against people who can use pot and lead a productive life. It's these sanctimonius hippies that make me wish I was a riot cop in the 60's

BBS Signature

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 19:16:39

Girl, you got great boobs,
I just want to cut them off,
and stick the pieces in science tubes.

Your cunt is so tight,
I'm gonna fuck your mom aight?

I ain't got nothin'

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 19:17:27

At 1/18/05 07:16 PM, PopeOnARope wrote: Girl, you got great boobs,
I just want to cut them off,
and stick the pieces in science tubes.

Your cunt is so tight,
I'm gonna fuck your mom aight?

I ain't got nothin'

ya you need to work on that because i sence no love there

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 19:19:17

....should be left up to Robert Smith. too many people confuse a good love song with crappy whyning about a relationship....

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 20:03:16

At 1/18/05 07:19 PM, Highdetailgrotesque wrote: ....should be left up to Robert Smith. too many people confuse a good love song with crappy whyning about a relationship....

Because none of us look beyond the problems and about the good things right?

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 20:05:23

At 1/18/05 08:03 PM, Crimson_Edge wrote: Because none of us look beyond the problems and about the good things right?

You're the fucking best.


I loved how somebody randomly hated on you in that thread for the optimism and happiness in the face of adversity. Horray Crims.

Now how's that song coming along?

BBS Signature

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 20:42:33

At 1/18/05 08:05 PM, Evark wrote: Now how's that song coming along?

I've decided to give it a bluesy feel... sort of like led zep meets B.B. King in a newbified rage of love.

Working on the words.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 20:43:55

At 1/18/05 08:42 PM, Crimson_Edge wrote: I've decided to give it a bluesy feel... sort of like led zep meets B.B. King in a newbified rage of love.

Sounds absolutely delicious.

Working on the words.

Feel free to email me or whatever if you want actual help lyrically. I guess I'm good with rhyming and such.

BBS Signature

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 20:47:02

heres mine
as i got my cock all up in your girl
so much cum make her want to hurl
swallow up that shit bitch
got my balls stuck in that ditch
ass her puusy juice is leaking
as you faggots are fucking peaking
the entire place of full of cum
change posistion, time to bum
im a fucking slum, pussy galore
just fucked another whore

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 20:47:29

Is it a Rock love song?

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 21:01:13

Well, here comes the corny. The way I see it, the cornier the better, and this smells of putrid corn.

Baby brown eyes
With the
Sweetest smile

Golden blonde hair
That you can
See from a mile

Cutest little nose
ever did see

And sometimes I can't help
But smile back with glee

I love you Brittany
I love you Baby
Oooh I love you so much so
Why don't you
Get back with me?

Every single day
That I
Wake up

I immediatly think of you
Dial you up

When I get to school
Sit in that chair

And the first thing I do is STARE STARE STARE

I love you Brittany
I love my every-thing
I'm sorry for what I done so
Why don't you
Get back with me?


I Love you Brittany
I love you Baby
Oooh You know that
You and me were
Meant to be.


Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 21:05:16

I think the love song might be a bit too sappy, but that's my opinion. If you sing about sexual stuff it may piss her off more, give her time to cool off.

Ask her if you could do anything that could make up for what you done. If not, she will forgive you over time. In a few weeks she should forget the grudge she holds against you. This is my take on what may happen though, it's really based on the type of person you are dealing with.

Response to Writing love songs. 2005-01-18 21:07:15

At 1/18/05 09:05 PM, Ryan914 wrote: I think the love song might be a bit too sappy, but that's my opinion. If you sing about sexual stuff it may piss her off more, give her time to cool off.

Love songs don't have to have anything to do with sex. Simple compliments can make almost any love song a golden one.