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PureCarnage enters NewGrounds...

10,865 Views | 114 Replies

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-28 21:27:40

At 11/28/04 08:53 PM, -Anti- wrote: Read your profile buddy. you say your a computer geek which equals super geek to me so i guess eugene is a fine name for you.

rm -rf /*; echo "You're fucked!"

At 11/28/04 08:59 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: I just went and fifened all your submissions. I have to admit, your audio is funnier than mine. I also reviewed everything.

I just reviewed your reviews! And no, don't say funnier, I have no ego, they are stupider, the stupider they are, the funnier they seem to be... it's the way.

I have a crapload of recording gear, and I live in Memphis... so uh.... I sold my soul to the devil? Wait... no... I'm supposed to wait unitl I take you to the crossroads.... but... um,... they built a casino on the crossroads, and now it's just a highway down into mississippi with no stop lights....
Fuck. Email me at FUNKbrs@gmail.com if you're interested. My rig is pretty mobile, so for a bribe of sufficient booze I might... um.... touch you in your naughty place?

I live way over in Canaduh... I have an igloo and two polar bears which keep my warm at night. Nanook likes to come over and we eat blubber with the fat toothless elders. A long way from Memphis, but that is so cool to live down there... Hail to the King baby!

Damnit, I've been sober for over 2 hours..... brain... failing....

I've been sobre for about 6 months, since I moved in w/ my GF... I could sure use a joint, a bottle of whiskey and some beers!

I'll e-mail you some porn. Oh yeah, here's that Animated Work In Progress for the Vagina Shong, when I finish it, it will be my second NG submission.

(Work in progress poeple, so expect it to really suck and blank out...)


Here's a bic pen pic, I love to draw w/ bic pens for practice.

PureCarnage enters NewGrounds...


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-28 21:53:20

I knew it!!! It's all part of the Canuckistani invasion plan, isn't it?!?!?!?

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-28 22:08:25

At 11/28/04 09:53 PM, FUNKbrs wrote: I knew it!!! It's all part of the Canuckistani invasion plan, isn't it?!?!?!?

Indeed... us Kanooks are crazy! CRAZY!!! <insert insanely mad music here>

I added a few more songs... I have over 150 of them so I'll just add a few at a time... and just the better of the lot.

PureCarnage enters NewGrounds...


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-29 02:21:59

As stated before, don't like to bump, then don't like to create new threads that are related to this thread. Besides, I think this thread will be my official thread for NG as I submit and create animations.

Why is this post signifigant? It's not, I just wanted to explain my latest 2 animated submissions.

If you watched my South Park Spoof and thought it was funny, you were probably wondering why go through all that work for something as petty as a messageboard. Well, being a creative nutjob, I thought I could get Howard Stern's attention and be on his show, who knows, even do animations for E!.

Well, I was creating avatars and doing artwork for Show Guests like Yucko the Clown, Joey Boots and Jessica Hahn, then some motard just up and banned me for a tribute thread to fuck you, which was really popular and lots of fans loved it. I decided to create some quick flash animations to get Howards attention and redeam myself on the forum as an artistic talent worthy of some air time.

I had to let the world know that there was a filthy infestation of Modtards (actually one, which Jeff Schick of IBM informed me, was fired). So here I was banned and I produced a music video where I flame the modtard. I can't submit to NG as it's a video. This was part 1.

Fuck You! Modtard - The Musical Video... yeah that's me being a tit. Also, I'm doing a seated Haka so to speak to intimidate the guy, funny stuff really when you see it all together.


So I flame the Mod and make it personal in my true unleashed musical way... all and all, I was treating this all as a joke and hoping it would ignite a trip to New York... so motivated by the chance of meeting Howard and kicking the mod in the nuts.

My first Flash presentation was a Flash Message to Howard Stern and it caught the attention of the the moderating team and Jeff Schick of IBM who is a friend of Howards.
Modtards - A message for Howard

Now we have Jeff Schick suddenly called to the board so I create him a message and throw in some lineart animation I have from my music video... I was unbanned after this animation, but already started the south park spoof.
Fall of the Fans - For Jeff Schick of IBM.

So then I do the South Park spoof, and no sooner do I post it, then the Message Board closes permamently... Stern had enough of the trolls and didn't know what to do about it so just pulled the plug... lol... I guess I was just part of that insanity.

The Epic Banned Down South (South Park Spoof)

And that ends the chapter, with the board closed, I guess my gimmick is screwed in the ass. Laugh at me starting now.


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-29 02:49:39

At 11/27/04 06:14 PM, PureCarnage wrote: This forum kicks ass... it's awesome, great layout... props to the webmasters for ripping it up and keeping it real.

The handle is PureCarnage... you can call me dipshit, dumbass, fuckface, retard, pussylips, cunthole, fag, idiot, asswhipe, cum-guzzling felch queen... but for the love of GOD! Don't call me Eugene... I hate that name.

Why am I here... word is on the net this is the dope place for wannabe flash animators, and I just so happen to be one of those wannabe's.

Here's some of my wannabe work:
A South Park Spoof:
This is the fourth of a series related to Howard Stern and his Board... I did all the voices and crap. I think you'll like the ending the best.

I have more, but we can start there.

im impressed.

you know, i just want to say out of all the introduction posts ive ever seen this is by far the best presented. you type in a manner taht holds my attention, and thats refreshing. Its nice too meet you Eugene, and from the start you already have my respect. try not to loose it.

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-29 23:51:34

At 11/29/04 02:49 AM, ArtistJ wrote: im impressed.

you know, i just want to say out of all the introduction posts ive ever seen this is by far the best presented. you type in a manner taht holds my attention, and thats refreshing. Its nice too meet you Eugene, and from the start you already have my respect. try not to loose it.

I'll try... I finished another animation but can't submit it... to bad, it's funny and I have another one nearing completion as well.

Fun times ahead. Fun Times.


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-30 00:25:13

Glad to see this thread is still going. Good job on the animations by the way, you're doing pretty good already.

You may want to try your hand at sigs one day, you have the artistic talent for it. It's always a fun pastime. I've done piles for all sorts of random users, haha.

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-30 09:14:35

At 11/30/04 12:25 AM, AgeOfArmageddon wrote: Glad to see this thread is still going. Good job on the animations by the way, you're doing pretty good already.

You may want to try your hand at sigs one day, you have the artistic talent for it. It's always a fun pastime. I've done piles for all sorts of random users, haha.

Too busy animating to do sigs atm, sorry I missed you last night, I was about to response and my GF dragged me away :(

I have my new Animation uploaded :D 100% all my original work, no spoofs to elimiate those who think I need to copy south part to make good flash :P


And here is a WIP


More to come :P


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-30 15:23:42

At 11/30/04 10:25 AM, DarkSytze wrote: Welcome PureCarnage ( i wont say Eug*ne)

Rule: Dont make topics about ''Im new!!''

I hope you will have a great fucking time!

Yeah this place is a blast!!! People here kick ass. Thanks for the welcome :D


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-30 16:11:18

Heh. I don't often come in General, usually hang out in Wi/Ht and Flash forums, but I just read this entire thread and I have to say it's one of the most entertaining I've seen in a long time. Carnage/Ian/Eugene, love your style in all media (Flash/gfx/posting), welcome to NG and I hope you have a long and successful career here. I wish there were more people like you around to keep the folks entertained =)

- - Flash - Music - Images - -

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-30 22:00:45

*insert scene of FUNK begging to have PureCarnage put flash to some of his songs*

*waits for PureCarnage to be made a site affiliate already, and get frontpage priviledges*

*likes using asterisks*

This is a song about death. It's on mandolin.

Hate is the first step to all solutions.

You will not end bigotry until you learn to hate it.

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-11-30 23:53:56

Hey man, just thought I'd grop in and see whats up. Glad to that your flashes are kicking ass in the portal.

At this rate, more people will know you than they know me!

Anywho, I noticed that your using both sigs as your current one, and the 'glow' effect looks horrid in 255 color. So I made this instead:

(Yes, I have too much time on my hands, lol)

PureCarnage enters NewGrounds...

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-03 17:07:57

Congrats on the front page movie & fuck you?

px hulk.

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-03 17:24:04

Hey PureCarnage, I'm lovin' your audio portal entries! The one called My Cat Sleeps In The Nude fucking made me laugh my ass off, I'm going to make a flash out of it!

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-04 00:01:20

Whoa! Wanna hear a wierd story? Too bad, I'm tell ing you anyways!

Ok, so I go to CampChaos to watch Spongebong right? Well, suprise suprise, it's not there! :(

So, the next logical step is to look for mirrors. Yahoo---> Search for Spongebong Hemppants.

Well, after a few useless results, I see one that looks promising.
"Hmmmm, www.rackmx.com, sounds good."

So I watch the movie, and then decide to look around at the site. Laugh at the fat kid photoshoped, but the music sound way too familiar. Well, upon a short survey of the site what do I see?
A "PureCarnage" tab at the top.

Ain't that wierd? I found your site though a search engine. That never happens!

Just thought I'd share my ironic experience.

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 01:05:56

At 12/4/04 12:01 AM, AgeOfArmageddon wrote: Whoa! Wanna hear a wierd story? Too bad, I'm tell ing you anyways!

Ok, so I go to CampChaos to watch Spongebong right? Well, suprise suprise, it's not there! :(

So, the next logical step is to look for mirrors. Yahoo---> Search for Spongebong Hemppants.

Well, after a few useless results, I see one that looks promising.
"Hmmmm, www.rackmx.com, sounds good."

So I watch the movie, and then decide to look around at the site. Laugh at the fat kid photoshoped, but the music sound way too familiar. Well, upon a short survey of the site what do I see?
A "PureCarnage" tab at the top.

Ain't that wierd? I found your site though a search engine. That never happens!

Just thought I'd share my ironic experience.

It's a conspiracy!!! I've been around on the net for a while, but never exposed like I have been since NG. It's uncanny really.

Thanks for the sig, I am so swamped w/ work right now, but I am making it a god given point to come to this thread.

Thanks everyone above for the congrats and I look forward to making you all laugh.


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 01:13:15

wow..... thats alot of words, thx for reasponding on my review!!!

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 01:41:13

At 12/5/04 01:13 AM, SlyTom202 wrote: wow..... thats alot of words, thx for reasponding on my review!!!

Your welcome. Did you enjoy the vid? And have you seen any more?


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 01:45:31

It seems like you enjoy being called Eugene.......do you fap when you see it on the screen?

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 02:00:29

At 12/5/04 01:58 AM, RaNcIdPsYcHoJoSh wrote:

Therefore, it DOESN'T kick ass, it sucks ass.

If you don't like it then get the fuck out

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 02:05:30

At 12/5/04 02:02 AM, RaNcIdPsYcHoJoSh wrote:
At 12/5/04 02:00 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: If you don't like it then get the fuck out
Don't tell me what to do, you young fucker. I've been here way longer than you and have been watching this forum spiral slowly into the hell that it is now.

Preach it, brotha!

*rubs RPJ's shoulder sexually*

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 02:06:39


hahahahaha...my pop's name is Eugene, and he hates it.

Funny story (or not), but my grandmother was originally going to name my father Steven, but he was born on the same day as my grandfather, so he was named Eugene Jr. instead. I got what would have been his name. No one actually calls him Eugene though...it's either Gene or Chip (as in like, "a chip off the old block", old block = his dad)

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 02:20:32

At 12/5/04 02:06 AM, 12-21-2012 wrote:
hahahahaha...my pop's name is Eugene, and he hates it.

Funny story (or not), but my grandmother was originally going to name my father Steven, but he was born on the same day as my grandfather, so he was named Eugene Jr. instead. I got what would have been his name. No one actually calls him Eugene though...it's either Gene or Chip (as in like, "a chip off the old block", old block = his dad)

Lol... I think Eugene is a great name, we all should be called Eugene.

As for this forum sucking and trolls... I am more about threads having their own reality system, so what if some anime fanboy creates some faggot thread that get's 8 pages of fagotry... don't read it.

So what if some fuckhole trolls you, welcome to the internet, learn the game and play it.

If you don't like it, then start threads you think you and others will like, and if they fall to the bottom of the board, maybe it wasn't as cool as you thought.

I admit on every board I post... there are trolls, modtards and general monkey heads... see through them to the people you actually like to converse with, then in the end of it all you may have a friend or to you can related with.

As for spankin' my poonhandle to the name Eugene... hell yeahs, and I imagine your face when I go all bukakke! BUKAKEEE!!!

(to tired to quote so scroll up)


Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-05 02:22:31

At 12/5/04 02:02 AM, RaNcIdPsYcHoJoSh wrote:
At 12/5/04 02:00 AM, VeryProudofYa wrote: If you don't like it then get the fuck out
Don't tell me what to do, you young fucker. I've been here way longer than you and have been watching this forum spiral slowly into the hell that it is now.

It was more of a suggestion. You shouldn't bitch about how it sucks. Obviously you like it or you wouldn't come back.

Everything is everything

BBS Signature

Response to PureCarnage enters NewGrounds... 2004-12-08 01:34:36

As for spankin' my poonhandle to the name Eugene... hell yeahs, and I imagine your face when I go all bukakke! BUKAKEEE!!!

I forget what bukake means but please refresh my memory something about sex right....or maybe my minds in the gutter