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why america hate canada and vice...

1,074 Views | 24 Replies

why america hate canada and vice versa?
i mean lot of people from these country hate the other one.
ive been to both country and in both i saw hate.
you thing this is just rumour well check this: http://newgrounds.com/bbs/topic.php?id=155251
p.s. I come from germany and dont speak a lot of english so sorry for the gramatical error.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 21:09:40

I don't hate Canada, and I don't think I know anyone who really does, sure we poke fun at Canada, but all in good fun. I think Canada is an awesome place. You do get the shallow rednecks that hate Canada because they're unamerican, but they're idiots and shouldn't represent anything, let alone the views of the American people.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 21:21:28

i didn't say that everyone hate canada in america or that everyone hate america in canada. just like 30% in each country(it still huge)

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 21:21:55

At 8/2/04 09:09 PM, Camarohusky wrote: You do get the shallow rednecks that hate Canada because they're unamerican, but they're idiots and shouldn't represent anything, let alone the views of the American people.

Let me quess, they are republicans too?

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 21:43:50

At 8/2/04 09:21 PM, louis117 wrote: i didn't say that everyone hate canada in america or that everyone hate america in canada. just like 30% in each country(it still huge)

I think you will find similar trends across the world.

Take Scotland and England. I’m sure there are a few Scots who actually ‘hate’ the English, although there ill be many more who claim to. And we have hundreds of years of bloody history.

"Men have had the vanity to pretend that the whole creation was made for them, while in reality the whole creation does not suspect their existence." - Camille

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 22:06:31

The only bad thing Canada has ever done to me was lure me to stay another 3 hours on a trip and made me miss the last class before a history final and I damn near failed the test because of that.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 22:25:11

i dont hate canadians, man they are awesome. like al those canadian bands and tom green, awesome i say, i lot of cool bands have sprung up from there.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 22:34:36

I really believe most United States people have no hate for Canada. I have not even heard of it (except here) I no of no one that hates the US from Canada either. There are always jokes of course, but never anything serious. I have been to Halifax, I had a great time. Canada is fine in the summer; the only thing I hate is cold weather

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 22:49:32

It's all part of the great circle of English-speaking-country relations.

America hates Canada.
Canada hates America.
America likes Britain.
Britain doesn't care.
Canada likes hockey.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 22:52:38

At 8/2/04 10:49 PM, NotYouZ wrote: Britain doesn't care.

Are you kidding me? Britain would bend over backwards for us. And you seem to have left out several English speaking countries as well, eh, no biggie.

Think you're pretty clever...

BBS Signature

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 23:26:45

At 8/2/04 10:52 PM, Gunter45 wrote: Are you kidding me? Britain would bend over backwards for us.

And you seem to have left out several English speaking countries as well, eh, no biggie.


I was just joking dude. Sorry to the other English speaking countries if I offended you somehow by not including you in my lame comment. lol..bend over backwards...

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 23:27:40

If you've ever seen an old CBC show called The Kids in the Hall, you would get an idea about the attitudes. It's all in fun.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 23:28:14

I think Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the others didn't hear you, I think you've got some serious ass to kiss.

Think you're pretty clever...

BBS Signature

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 23:49:40

Hey, I love canada, If Bush gets re-elected I might try to get up there

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-02 23:53:45

At 8/2/04 11:49 PM, truthbetold wrote: Hey, I love canada, If Bush gets re-elected I might try to get up there

Until they shuttle your ass back her and imprison you for treason and for skipping out on the draft. Remember, we made an agreement with Canada that they return all deserters. So go to Mexico instead. >=)

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 01:14:05

not mexico! noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.................

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 01:20:00

I too, don't think anyone really hates Canada. I think it was best summed up by the mechanic in "Colateral Damage". "Noone really cares about us Canadians. They... they kill you Americans but us... they just ignore us. We're just flys on the wall." This isn't meant to sound like I hate them, just quoting a movie.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 01:22:19

Hey, from my few trips to Canada I've noticed that canadian girls are hot... So I guess that means I like Canada. And the Canadian border guard was a nice girl, while the American one was a bitch who fuck bitched me out for not havign a passport when you don't need one to go to Canada, crazy bitch!

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 01:35:13

Hey I'm a canadian and mind you I'm not thrilled with amerian politics, I don't hate all american people. As far as you guys making fun of us, well we really don't care. We make fun of ourselves probably about 5x as much as you do, so we don't really even notice, also we make fun of you too, and you don't seem to care either (ever seen Rick Mercer's "Talking to Americans"?)

I wouldn't really call Canadian/American relations a hatred, more of a "sibling rivalry", we disagree with some of the things you do (war, trade policies, imperial sustem), and we don't always think the best of each other, but for better or worse we're neighbours, and we might as well try to get along.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 01:38:08

At 8/3/04 01:22 AM, Camarohusky wrote: Hey, from my few trips to Canada I've noticed that canadian girls are hot... So I guess that means I like Canada. And the Canadian border guard was a nice girl, while the American one was a bitch who fuck bitched me out for not havign a passport when you don't need one to go to Canada, crazy bitch!

EH??? LMAO!!! Isn't A-vril Lavigne Canadian? Oh wait it's "Av-ril"...

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 12:38:37

Canadians hate American because they're loud, arrogant, braying jackasses.
Americans hate Canadians because they didn't help them in the war on Iraq, and also because they aren't Americans.

Don't point out my logic errors in this post, or my broad generalizations, it's a simple answer to a stupid situation.

And to be fair, it's usually only the loud, arrogant braying jackasses who hate Canada in the first place.


Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 13:49:00

At 8/3/04 12:38 PM, Elfer wrote: Canadians hate American because they're loud, arrogant, braying jackasses.
Americans hate Canadians because they didn't help them in the war on Iraq, and also because they aren't Americans.

Don't point out my logic errors in this post, or my broad generalizations, it's a simple answer to a stupid situation.

And to be fair, it's usually only the loud, arrogant braying jackasses who hate Canada in the first place.

Your Logic is all wrong!!!!!!!!!!! By the way, why would America hate America Jr.? They're like the little brother we never had...

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 16:46:14

Canada is more like America + than America Jr.

Lower population density, more farmland, more natural resources, good social programs like healthcare, and of course, here in Canada, we feel that our fundamental rights are actually rights that shouldn't be taken away from us.


Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 17:22:22

At 8/3/04 04:46 PM, Elfer wrote: Canada is more like America + than America Jr.

Lower population density, more farmland, more natural resources, good social programs like healthcare, and of course, here in Canada, we feel that our fundamental rights are actually rights that shouldn't be taken away from us.

I was fuckin around. Anyways, I really like Canada.

Response to why america hate canada and vice... 2004-08-03 17:41:41

" Canada is more like America + than America Jr.

Lower population density, more farmland, more natural resources, good social programs like healthcare, and of course, here in Canada, we feel that our fundamental rights are actually rights that shouldn't be taken away from us."

Sheesh, such anger.

Cmon', how could we stay mad at each other? Come over here and give us a hug.

why america hate canada and vice...