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Reviews for "OK Boomennials : Foamy The Squirrel"

A very well balanced and fair rant against the masses! Great video!

now if you wanna REALLY open a can of worms, talk about genders, pronouns and other shyza
nothing agaisnt the lgbtq but at a point it's going a bit far- I feel luike we're going from lack of equality to over equality- wanna identify as a SHNEE sure why not, wanna identify as an everything begal- sure completely normal right?
just this message will likely get me a ton of heat but just a random rabble

As for the whole boomer and gen whateverthefuck thing going on ... Couldnt give two shits tbh since it's forced drama by gullable angry people, or just QuIrKy trendy idiots, who wanna poke fun for a quick laugh or bitch with one another about whatever's on the platter.

Hope you have a good day Foamy, and hope I dont wake up banned tomorrow because im insensitive or something. 2020 everything is offensive and every topic's walking on egg shells.

I like this squirrel

ok boomer

Well said.