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Reviews for "Dinogen Arena"

I play a lot of games with medals, but rarely do i review them.

Going to go ahead and take the time to review this game. I really did enjoy playing through this game, few things i noticed.

Prestige takes way too long. it was fun up to the 500 kill point, after that it was repetitive and i just tried to find ways to speed up xp. essentially got boring well bore i made prestige.

that said i really did enjoy the game and all the modes until it became rinse wash repeat.

some notes. sniper is way too OP. with 1 minute team deathmatch games i can get 30+ kills and no deaths with just sniping all the guys walking in a line.

other thing that was useful. For ctf or anything really. Use the speed boost and just equip a pistol. Then just hold down melee attack, hold run and strafe (diagnol movement). You will fly through the map in insane speed. Can easily just circle around groups of guys and slice em up. Can get a flag return before the enemy could even walk to your flag.

fastest way i found xp was ctf 1 recovery . kill all the guys on the way, grab the flag and return it. should take less than 20 seconds.

anywho, actually enjoyed my time getting these medals. Enough so to post a review and rate it 5 stars.

good job.

Counter-strike with dinosaurs? Excelent idea! With progression levels as COD4? Much better.
Great work!

When do you put it on steam? I want to see how it performs with other players. Don't take me bad, bots were great; dinobots behaved like a dream team.
However, diagonal movement breaks the game, the difference in speed left them at a disadvantage.


Man it felt dat i took some of dat L E A N boi!

Got to rank 30 in ranked gamemode, made it to wave 32 on survival with 10644 kills,953920 dollars earned, GG!