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Reviews for "TD-Jack of Two Trades"

That.. That penis hurt my SOUL!!


i lost it at "i'm still an idiot"

oh frustration just seems to be a universal state now a days the best way ive learned to cope is to not give up hope, and im not saying don't give up hope with a job or situation fuck that noise you should always find a way out of that shit im saying don't give up hope on your self. situations like that can make you hate your self more than anything else. and here is how you do precisely that and i know it going to sound stupid but let me explain first why. have you ever found your self thinking relentlessly about something stupid someone said or did, well the mind just works like that just spinning and looping back in on its self. don't ask me why it just does and what that does over time is that it ingrains certain thinking and thought patterns in your mind. and the biggest mistake ive found in trying to undo this is trying to undo it, its already there ground in like that one stupid song they keep on playing on the radio that won't get out of your head. the solution i found is to grind in something else, what mind you? i would suggest some thing positive to start. and how do you do this? well i started off with just repeating one phrase over and over and over and over and over and over again in my head for literally weeks when every time i got down on my self and i said this to my self "i love my self" not in a narcissist way just to tell my self that that i care about my self because if i don't who else will. yah i know impossibley simple right well it worked for me and i hope it works for you. bye