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Reviews for "Alone The Empty World"

Ce jeu aurait pu être excellent, mais il n'en est que correct.

L'univers est pas mal, tout comme l'ambiance pesante qu'on retrouve, même si l'intrigue est plutôt mal amenée (et peu originale). On a vraiment l'impression que le joueur est seul au monde, mais j'aurais aimé que le gameplay soit présent, lui :/
Par exemple, les seules action que l'on peut faire est marcher dans une ville vide et interagir avec quelques rares objets. Et... C'est tout. Heureusement que j'ai trouvé Ted, sinon je me serais déjà tiré une balle!

Ce qui aurait été sympathique, ce serait deux choses:
-- Varier le gameplay, l'enrichir, parce que malgré l'atmosphère on s'ennuie vite...
-- Donner quelques indication au personnage pour savoir où aller et quoi faire. Parce qu'il n'a aucun moyen de savoir où aller, même pas un petit clignotement, rien.

Je te mets

It'd be a great game if I had any indication of where to go or what to do

Good atmosphere with the music, though it gets a bit repetitive. I also found it difficult to navigate. The items you can interact with or doorways often look just like others you can do nothing with. For example in the sewers only one of the holes can be entered while the others are just decoration.

I think it is interesting that we are wandering around without much knowledge, but perhaps even having the character comment about all the blood he sees or react to some of the items in the environment would add to the depth of the game and the character.

If anyone is working on a walk-through or has incite how to proceed in the hospital let me know.

I'm lost in it, but I would say it has a lot of potential.
The controls are simple, but I think they are too simplified. I also think that there should be more variety of things you can examine in the environment. There are papers everywhere, can any of them be examined? Read? This could be used to really add depth to the story.
As with other comments, there should be more of a way to help show the player where to go, even if it is subtle. I did manage to find my way for a little bit, before getting stuck.
So now, I am going to play a bit further, and hopefully find way out of this hospital.

I love it! The size of the map really helps you feel Harold's fear and frustration. The retro style was definitely the way to go on this one, and the story is very clever. I docked you half a star simply because it's hard to keep track of the task at hand. If you had a quest menu or bar, this would be an incredible game.