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Reviews for "The Unknown One"

ha ha

that was funny!!!

wdfcverfgtghm responds:

Funny? You say this is how? Funny? No... I worked my life... for this! In Tuscana as a little boy I said "daddy I want to change the world, one day... One day we will all watch a big giant goth chase a penguin and a yoshi around a cafe' ... One day daddy... One day... man will... 'ouvre les yuex'. One day..."


But also hilarious.


haha ok this must be that "underground" stuff you always try to blast me for not listening to.. well, you can have it
Thanks for voting, traekwon!
Your vote was worth 8.18 votes. The more experience points you have, the more your vote is worth!

You gave this entry a 5, raising its score to 2.33!

wdfcverfgtghm responds:

If you want underground, go for Aesop Rock. If you want Shintaoist enlightenment, and a Dienatics way, come to me. Drink the Cool-aid.

oh my god....

.... that was scarey...... and u made me shit my pants ...... but.... i LOVED IT!!!! You are a genious, this this masterpiece should be nominated for every catorgory at the Oscars for it is truely..... amazing.....

wdfcverfgtghm responds:

Ahh jes... As I say how... My work of greatness to deam mankind as fit for existance... is... ehh... how I say... Almost complete. Soon I will add a five hour long redition of "the guns of August" in Welsh.

It's art that beat "Mah llama"

Nothing much to say.

If you didn't laugh after watching this then just shut off the browser and go home.

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Watch it again.

And again.