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Reviews for "Warp Forest+level editor"

This Rocks!

Does anyone remember The Adventures of Lolo for the NES? This is a similar game. I love that old NES game, and I love this take on that kind of puzzle game. Wonderful job!

GameBalance responds:

Thanks ^^

Great game!

My level: Forest_of_Traps=111111z111t111 sr1eree1e1111va111e2e11ew11eec ehhe111rede11e1hhfde111e1deeee 111et1e111e111e1e1e111e1111fe1 1efe11erey1ede11t111wwwr11edf1 11fvnf
Pretty tough, good luck!

GameBalance responds:



Excellent game! Sorry about the sound(my sound isn't working). This is truly a brilliant game.

Try my level, Gunned Down:
Gunned_Down=1n11111eee1e1ezed1 1t1e1eze1eee1e1ezed11t1e1e2e1e eede1e1ed11tee1rcr1reee1111111 1deze1e1e1e1ehe1e1e1ebehe1e1e1 e1ehe1e1e1efefe1e1e1egeeetetet ee

GameBalance responds:



The level editor is cool and you save the levels
I make one if not is hard! Try It!

unknown=ed1eeeeeereesee2eergee 11g1geesed111111v1ee111111eeef 1y1111deee111111eeed111111rted 11reaeetee11ee1eetee11e11eeee1 aerc1eetr11e11eeetrf1ed1reet

GameBalance responds:

Yeah :)

Fun game

Very entertaining game
I also made a 5 lvl "scenario"
Bad Day in the Woods=ee2vvva111receeeeee1dece rree11deceeree1ete1er1x1111e1e 1d1e111e1eweee111e1e1e1111111e xe11e111111111111eeeae1ee11eef 1e1eeb1eefqe11ebteeede11egr1r1 r1r1r11r1r1r1e1rede1r1ede1hthe 1efthee1e1e1e1e111111111111111 1111111111111111e1eeeee1e12111 111111e1eeeee1e1e1eeeee1e1e1ed t1n1eheqeeeeeqe1d1fff1111y1111 11111ez1111111rfz111111rffqfqe ceee11eeeecee11111nn2nn1111eee cee1111etecee1e1111e1e11e1111e 1e1111111efee111f1debe1te1ff1e deee1qhh11111e21hg111eceech111 1e1111hh111ee1eree11rre111111e eeeee1111e111111f11e1eeee1111e 111fe1111ee111et111ge111etyyeb e111e1eeebefqfeqd1ggsdfdeqtete tetete1d1111111t111111111e1111 11111t111111111e111111111t1111 12111e111111111t111111111e1111 11111t111111111e111111111t1111 1111ded11111111t

GameBalance responds:

Thanks a lot!