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Reviews for "Atlantis"

flash final fantasy !!

not bad at all my friend and it made a welcome change to the normal crappy flash games and the final fantasy 8 music brought back some memorys aswell!!
keep it up


ok.. that was weird, it was all stupid guessing games.. like whats this random guys name ive never met in my damn life? GAME OVER.

Dremen responds:

Ummm... first of all, you should go to Atlantis fixed. But second of all... there are clues. If you go in the hut, and click on a small label near a picture of the guy, it says his name is Sam.

What is the point

Whats the point of this.? is it even complete?

wow how gay you black piece of shit

Thanks for voting, metro699!
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If you want a direct link to 'Atlantis', here it is!

10 10 10!!!

i voted everything 20 cuz i want it in my favorites!!