A piece of art and history preserved through time, AMAZING!
Im sorry for the lateness of this submission, I was working on this when tricky was around and hated very much. I slacked off and i did not finish it untill right now. When you start watching, please dont x out of it because you see two boring sticks, it gets better by an addition of other NG characters, thank you.
A piece of art and history preserved through time, AMAZING!
This is supossed to be funny ?
Please , come up with something new , or at least draw the sticks with straigth lines , the only thing that rescued the animation a little was the poor talented Strawberry clock
Damn sticks
Personally i dont like sticks, but this wasnt bad....Maybe you should do the sticks with straight lines next time.
yeah it started off bad...then got worse...but then there was the click and the clown...which made it even worse then it all went down hill from there
haha that was really really really funny. everyone vote 5 or ill find out who you are >=\
k thx bai