i didnt like it it was boring the graphics was dodgy but if you work on the animation and graphics i see some potential
*UPDATE* Thank you everyone for the very helpful reviews. I've been working on my animation skills lately so I probably wont submit anything for awhile.
Please, when doing a review on this movie, don't just say that it sucks. Please say what I need to improve on. This is my first flash movie and I want to know what to do to get better. Thanks.
i didnt like it it was boring the graphics was dodgy but if you work on the animation and graphics i see some potential
not too good. look at 'TIN:the incompetent ninja'. that was that guys first flash and its (i think) in the top 50 flashes ever. he only needed to mvoe one leg to walk. things on screen kept disapperaing and reappering... :\ sorry
Its ok for 1st flash
I saw a couple of errors in your flash.
1) At the beginning when you want to immitate the guy walking ur picture goes off frame since all u do is bring it up and down (try using different layers and to draw over the edge a bit but it can be a little tricky since you wont really know where the page ends)
2) When the guy is walking the pavement dissapears (Layer problem again)
3)Learn how to make them walk a little more realistically (Practice)
4)Pratice and one day you'll become a very good artist but takes a loads of time and patients. Also i suggest you jog down your ideas and characters on paper first since it will give you a head start on not drawing something you dont want later on.
Keep on getting better and next time ill give you a better score. :)
Reminds me of me when I started :)
I know where you're coming from. I've been there myself, and trust me, it can be a fun trip to artistic awesomeness. Now for the constructive stuff...
First, your attitude. I see a solid effort in this flash, and that's important. Being your first movie, it's understandable why some things are the way they are. Everyone starts somewhere, and I think you're off to a good start. Also, it's nice to see that not only did you reply to every review, but you replied to them NICELY, and humbly. Except mofoman, but he deserves what he got.
Second, your graphics. Learn to sketch, you know, pencil and paper. Draw comics or cartoons. Keep it simple, learn how to portray emotions and poses. Read a few books (I highly reccomend How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way by Stan Lee, it's my artsy bible) and apply what you know. Just remember: It doesn't take many lines or much detail to get your point across, the simpler you can draw (And still make it good, of course!) the simpler it will be to apply what you know to animation. I like frame-by-frame myself, so I can draw in an entirely cartoony style, but this also works with symbols. Which brings me to...
Third, animation. In Flash, keyframes are your BEST FRIEND, symbols are your good friends and layers... Well layers are really nice. You can save time and keep consistency by making movie clips of basic movements (Like walking) and loop them over a period of time on their own layer (big one there, only one symbol can be moving on its own unique layer, so be ready to use alot of them for complicated animations). Look at LegendaryFrog cartoons to see how he breaks up different parts of a character, to manipulate them sort of like a puppet. If you want to do it frame-by-frame, it takes alot of work, and quite a bit of skill, but it looks great. Learning both of these techniques will help you out and save you time. And regardless of people's prejudices against stick people, make a few stick animations to get an idea of how each technique works and how basic movement (again, like walking) works. You don't even have to post them if you're scared of getting assaulted by anti-stick nazis, but they'll help you out. If you can do anything with a stickman, you can do anything with any other kind of character, you'll learn about that if you read How To Draw Comics the Marvel Way. A good way to get experience with sticks is using a program called Pivot, made especially for stick animation. Google it if you want. Animation is a big hurdle, and a very, very important one, but if your drawings look really good, you can cut a few corners with the animation ;)
So in closing, keep it up, you can go far if you put this much effort into future animations once you have new skills. I see you're not afraid to ask for help, so keep doing that, ignore the dumb people that expect Prowlies At The River quality animation from everyone. And take a few tutorials at sites like FlashPlayer and right here on Newgrounds to get a better handle on how Flash works.
Sorry for making this so damn long, and best of luck.
Wow, Thank you so much for the legnthy review (its huge!). I've definatly been working on my animation and drawing abilities since this was made. I'm pretty sure I found my own style, and now I just need to improve upon it.
The review was very helpful and I'll definatly follow in what you said about practicing on stick movies (i just won't post them).
Thanks once again.(Mofoman is just a friend)
fuck you mister deacon frost. you smell your animation sucks!
fuck you Mr.Lienert