A Bit Better
This is a bit better than the last one. The parking sign was the best, that was just pure funny.
Here's Our Second Installment Of Random Acts Of Violence. Sit Back And Enjoy. And Leave Reviews.
A Bit Better
This is a bit better than the last one. The parking sign was the best, that was just pure funny.
wicked gets better and better evry time
This was much better than the last one. I like it!
This was much better than the first one. I loved the one with the no parking sign. That was very original. The dancing hitler was very funny lol. I liked this one. But next time try to put maybe a couple more random acts. Also, maybe try to make the text show up longer so it will be easy to read. Anyways, good job.
Wow I like this one a lot! I think it's the dancing Hitler that did it for me.. Haha and the no parking sign.
i liked the lucky day 1