there was no sound. There was no storyline. What the hell was going on? that was the choppiest animation I have ever seen!
But anyways, I dont really think its "kool"
I pretty much think you should work on your spelling.
there was no sound. There was no storyline. What the hell was going on? that was the choppiest animation I have ever seen!
But anyways, I dont really think its "kool"
I pretty much think you should work on your spelling.
Well, to be honest it was like watching one of those crappy x-play flashes without sound.
What the f*ck...
Are you six?
serial killer.
you must go now.
Add these spellings to your lexicon.
Animate like you're more than a first grader.
Of course if you are only six and you're using flash already, then you're awesome and my question is for your parents...what are you letting this kid watch that he's making such a violent flash cartoon at six years old??
Somebody here is REALLY f*ing messed up.
i have noticed a pattern....
you cant spell neither can you make flash
Learn to spell
You misspelled serial and dynamite, plus the entire thing was stupid, short(although in this case it's probably a good thing), and pointless