Could use some music, platforming physics aren't great, and I don't like how you just get stuck in a wall forever after level 13.
Melloo the cube loves to do this endless parkour thing.. maybe more?? Note: ENDS AT LEVEL 13 MORE SOON
Could use some music, platforming physics aren't great, and I don't like how you just get stuck in a wall forever after level 13.
good,but on level 13 game is over
yeah, I'm still working on more
not much teh levul design nedz 2 b improvad becauez its very BORING!!!11! you kida juzt hold rigt 2 win lol and mayeb stuf liek musik could be aded 2 enhanc it but overall a bit boringgg
note: i knoe how 2 spell i lernt from runescape
maybe learn how to spell
this was cool. you should have added medals
you shoulda added music... but good nonetheless
also the game breaks after level 13
That's why I put it there in the description.