Better! Alot Better!
Wow! You've done a great job compared to the first version. Music made it alot more pleasing to watch and the elves in the fight scene were improved, motion is allways good. Makes 'em more alive...
I could start nagging about bowshooting and techniques but at this point it's more important to get you to be a better artist.
First thing to start whining: The text was still too FAST. I were barely able to finish one word when it already started fading... No hurry, remember that there's also foreign people in newgrounds and they can't read as fast.
second one: The text didn't show in the brighter scenes. Like in the dwarven ring-scene, letters over the hands were unable to see well as also the typing with the white-grey middle-earth map in the back was difficult to read. Again: too fast!
And finally: I suggest you make your own version. People who actually want to see a straight copy of something alredy seen, are pretty freaking rare! Own vision - more points. Have you red the book?
Thats all this time! And don't get angry if someone tells you to fuck off, usually they are those people who only care for blood and gore. Who needs organs laying around the battlefield (It looks cool, though) if theres nothing else in the whole pack. I prefer story...
"All that is gold, does not glitter", as Tolkien said ;)