Best Animation yet
This is the best animation ive seen yet, seriously! I love it, animation is the best ive seen yet on newgrounds and sound quality is really good, this definitley a 10!!
It'll become the next simpsons.
Best Animation yet
This is the best animation ive seen yet, seriously! I love it, animation is the best ive seen yet on newgrounds and sound quality is really good, this definitley a 10!!
No word for how much this sucks!
No word for how much this sucks!No word for how much this sucks!No word for how much this sucks!No word for how much this sucks!No word for how much this sucks!No word for how much this sucks!
that covers it.
the next simpsons? you have got to be joking
the voices were rubbish. you need a better micro phone
((( HMMMM )))
Well the next simpsons heh, ok well add more detail, and the audio well it could use more mayure voices and maybe change it up from time to time, but hey the simpsons didnt start at greatness either heh...
Fucking bitch wfat was this boring and stupid movies point.Just some three gay guys are sitting and one of them is talking something shit.