Funny shit. May suck graphically but the humor is kickass. DIE BITCH DIE!!!
Part Two of Terminate: Thatcher, and movie-star turned assasin, Tom Berenger, finally gets his chance to rid the world of Margaret Thatcher.
Still, the animation isn't the best, but I am a relative newcomer to Flash animation...Reviews I would also appreciate ;)
Once again, John Howard gets killed..:)
Funny shit. May suck graphically but the humor is kickass. DIE BITCH DIE!!!
Gunned down.
Almost passes as entertainment in a Monty Pythonesque manner. Almost.
the ukrainian reserves rooooooool
i liked this, this is good, it rools
What's going on here?
Rather than threaten you with death or some other stupid thing like that, take a look at some of my movies. Is there some sort of coincidence, or are we both just lucky? We are both Flash newbs, yet we get blessed somehow by our movies staying on Newgrounds. Heck, my worst (and first) movie to stay on Newgrounds has the HIGHEST rating...maybe Newgrounders are just more forgiving? Thanks from the bottom of my heart, you guys. To the author of this movie: Keep on working torwards Flash success. Oh, and use a different background color for the preloader next time.
Nice to hear a review that isn't just saying "This is a piece of crap." Yes, I'll keep trying to get better, but I'm not making any promises about the preloader ;)
this is the l33test flash ever
OMG i love you
haha yeah right...
NG is fucked >_<