Hm :]
Jak na pierwszy raz, to calkiem niezly filmik. Wlasciwie to jest on dobry, moze troche fabula jest dziwna. :d Zeby tak wszyscy publikowali swoja "tworczosc" w momencie jak juz cos potrafia zrobic, to byloby ok.
This is my first time so be gentle. It's just a stupid movie submited only to give myself a try. Preloader may won't work properly but I don't know what's wrong. Have fun.
Hm :]
Jak na pierwszy raz, to calkiem niezly filmik. Wlasciwie to jest on dobry, moze troche fabula jest dziwna. :d Zeby tak wszyscy publikowali swoja "tworczosc" w momencie jak juz cos potrafia zrobic, to byloby ok.
i know someone that would do that....and they would laugh about and scream and run in circles.....then put it on other people....
There are no words to truly express what I felt while watching that. Even for a first try it sucked beyond belief. This thing and all the records that say it existed needs to be destroyed so that noone ever finds out about it and becomes retarded due to viewing it or even knowing it exists!!!
Brevity is the soul of wit.
Again, it's brief enough to be witty. Good for a smirk, nothing more! This author, I think, is making the most of what little he has to work with.
www ttt fff
wtf. this is just so agravating it pisses me offfff. PRACTICE THEN SUBMIT ENTRIES!!!!! JeSuS plz dont fill this site with crap like that.