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Away3D 4.1.6 Flash Player 11 | Basic Shading

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Away3D was another open-source 3D framework forked from Papervision3D developed and used for Flash in 2007 until it was discontinued in 2014. The history surrounding this framework is absolutely impressive. They have their own model format, their own builder software, and Adobe incorporated the framework into the Adobe Gaming SDK in 2013.

Unlike Papervision3D, Away3D 4.x fully supports 3D rending via Stage3D. Meaning most of the 3D graphics on screen is rendered using the GPU. This frees up a lot of CPU compared to Away3D 3.x and especially 2.x and Papervision3D. For whatever reason I couldn't get Away3D Lite working. This could be because `Matrix3D` `pointAt()` isnt fully supported? As well as a lot of other fash.Geom code that isnt supported, though it should be. Mabey its the events that I'm missing. Ill see what's compatible with what version of Ruffle in the meantime.

Controls: click and drag to move the world to see objects.


  1. Away3D Statistics seem to now show the graph properly, as well as show `Dummy` for the GPU driver. May come in use to detecting Ruffle or Flash.
  2. Away3D Statistics also seem to not display the ram usage

EDIT: I have an old version of Ruffle, the bug listed is no longer valid

The graphics are extremely pixelated, the graphics doesn't appear to use any Anti-Aliasing like the Newground Player uses or Flash 11-32 uses


Platform: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10875H CPU 2.30 GHz (Intel64 Family 6 Model 165 Stepping 2) with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Super with Max-Q Design

Newgrounds Player:

  • 20.9~21.6 CPU%
  • 0 GPU% (Note: the Newgounds Player does not use any GPU, instead opting all 3d graphics to be drawn via software rasterization hence the high CPU percent.)
  • 43.8 MB Ram Usage
  • FPS: 60

Flash 11.8 r800 (32-bit):

  • 1.0~1.4 CPU%
  • 7.6~8.5 GPU% (GPU-1)
  • 30.2 MB Ram Usage
  • FPS: 60 (seems to be locked, even after editing the stage framerate to be higher)

Flash 32:

  • 1.3~1.65 CPU%
  • 10.5~12.0 GPU% (GPU-1)
  • 34.6 MB Ram Usage
  • FPS: 60 (seems to be locked, even after editing the stage framerate to be higher)

Ruffle (Windows Port):

  • 11.6~12.5 CPU%
  • 38.4~40.1 GPU% (GPU-0, I've tried every single NVidia setting I could not get Ruffle to use the RTX2080)
  • 201.8 MB Ram Usage
  • FPS: 120

Ruffle (Web port)

  • 13.1~15.2 CPU%
  • 7.0~7.8 GPU% (GPU-0, Based off of the graphics card of the browser?)
  • 206.3 MB Ram Usage (Loaded with the Newgrounds Portal, this is not accurate for Ruffle but IRL Webpages)
  • FPS: 13~28


Double check compatibility with Away3D 3.x and 2.x, it seems as if 4.x works better on Ruffle due to the dependence on Stage3D instead of AS3.


  1. Away3D - Website
  2. Away3D Example Files - Found Here (Internet Archive via Wayback)

Source Code: Will upload later.

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Pretty impressive 3D showcase!

Credits & Info

3.20 / 5.00

Nov 16, 2023
3:58 PM EST
Misc. Kit
  • Flex Builder 4.7