notbad for a first
This was notbad for your first works, could use a few fine details like more smoother feel and softer touch on uses of color but it was nice
Decent start
This is one of my first animations...Please rate it pretty good so it can stay up please!! =) thanks
notbad for a first
This was notbad for your first works, could use a few fine details like more smoother feel and softer touch on uses of color but it was nice
Decent start
it was pretty OK. i thought that the special move thing was dumb as hell. and the "ow" sound was really annoying.
My new move... transform into a stick?
If you're gonna post a stick figure movie, it'd better be DAMN GOOD, otherwise have fun with it, but keep it to yourself. I don't think people come to newgrounds to watch what anybody with basic flash knowledge could do.
Why should I vote good on a portal entry that sucks, majorly.
Next time, don't make a crappy stick flash, try actually doing something worth while.
Good luck on learning to make good flash.
I rule.
i didnt quite get the point of this movie. whats with thw web-slingin'? and the swords? man, this needs work!