that movie SUCKED worst thing ive seen i mean the graphics sucked and nothing interesting bout it! just dont see this and save a little chunk of ur life1
Alan: Just remember...It's only comedy, don't think too much into it.
Matt: Part of it was not my idea, dont blame me if you dont like it
that movie SUCKED worst thing ive seen i mean the graphics sucked and nothing interesting bout it! just dont see this and save a little chunk of ur life1
That was bad. No, it was worse. It's terrible. The graphics SUCKED, it just WASN'T funny and it has no style, class or quality whatsoever. Even though the sound wasn't as bad as the rest of the movie, it couldn't compensate the idiot movie.
That Was Pretty....
GREAT! I loved it! Do another one
ill gay porn
pretty funny, but i think you have quite some in your mars, so go make a real good movie. Those can be funny to!
funny movie, i really like it
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