Nice game. Fix the jump button and the boss fight should have more stuff.
Anyways, I now work on this game since I now Andrew and he may be working on it soon :D.
this game didnt take too long to make
i hope you enjoy this buggy demo
UPDATE 1- minor update
changed the logo a bit and added some stuff to the bossfight
Nice game. Fix the jump button and the boss fight should have more stuff.
Anyways, I now work on this game since I now Andrew and he may be working on it soon :D.
femboy alert!!!
nice demo, I'll wait for the full version, there is my feedback: I found it very easy; could have wall jumping limit; I liked the music, the key function, and the green ball jump (I forgot the name); some improvements in the map and background, and this game will be excellent
OBS: I'm not fluent in english, sorry if I missed something
edit: I just realize that the enemies can't kill you lol
the game is actually very fun gives my super meat boy and undertale!
Very cute and responsive!
would love to see more!