Now, with version 1.2!
Please watch and rate fairly. Also, send PLENTY of reviews. (Helpful ones, not really bad ones that show no actual reviewing of the movie.) Yes, I know the MP3 file is not clipped, but I will be able to fix that at any time.
NOTES: I am already going to begin working on an extended version, with more animation, etc. Or, even possibly a second one, with the above.
Audio credit PowerMan 5000.
UPDATE: (NEW!) Well, atleast some people enjoy it. Thank you very much.
Also: Check out my other movies!
(UPDATE: Version 1.2! Slightly longer, better sync with the music. More updates with come, increasing the length of the movie, eventually fully covering the entire PowerMan 5000 song, "When Worlds Colide". Also, I currently CANNOT clip the MP3 file. I have tried many times, and it has turned out with severly bad quality. Thus is why I cannot. My first attempt took almost 1:30 off the song, but the end quality was horrible. Sorry for the file size!
This was interesting
hmmm well this was interesting, the large tweens was odd, i feel you could have improved there maybe smoother animation, more detail in those globes, also the flash was abit short for the size of it all, other hen that it was ok.
Improved flow of animation, improved details and graphics
Shorta nd odd animation
Not trying to be cruel
man the only reason i found this was becaus i was looking for this exact song, sorry, need to add a little comething else basides just a planet, maybe a few dancing aliend or battle of some sort between planets, later
If it wasnt for PM5K in the backround i think i would have had some sort of seizure from the stupidy of that toon.
It's nice for being new, but it really doesn't give much out to the viewer.
Keep up the work, and work towards a story =)
Thanks, but how can i fit a story in with a mess of dancing planets?