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Malbolge's Calligraphy Class

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H a v e y o u e v e r w a n t e d t o w r i t e g o o d ? W e l l n o w y o u c a n w i t h M a l b o l g e ' s p r i v a t e l e s s o n s . This game was made for the Pizza Jam 2023 with Clickteam Fusion and 1BitDragon.

Programming, art, and spelling time music by me

Menu music by ShadyDave on Freesound

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I like the idea of the game, but I've noticed there is no clear indication on what key to press in the warning or the actual game. Maybe having a list of keys for each section needed would help.

Credits & Info

2.40 / 5.00

May 5, 2023
3:55 PM EDT