needs a little work
the olny thing i had a problem with was you can see all the picsls but it can just be my computer still prity good
This is a S.I.S (Still image Story) my bro and I did with our digital camcorder. Sum of the images might be a lil dim, don't ask me why they're that way though.
Flash playa 6 or higher is required!
needs a little work
the olny thing i had a problem with was you can see all the picsls but it can just be my computer still prity good
it was....
Not that good....It was somewhat funny but no....
can't win all the reviwers votes, but what hav eu made that's somewhat funny?
nice work!
i like the style you used for the movie the sound was good the pictures were great! but one thing you could fix is the lighting but it is fine right now.You should make another story with the same kind of animation nice work.
Thanks skull, if only more reviwers were like you. Atleast u gave me a 10 :-D
its boring, need to have funnier moments.
It is funny, u numbskull.
A Typical Gay...
"A Typical Day" is about as much fun to view as your aunt Ida's vacation slides of her visits to Florida. The dialog is stiff and stilted and let's face it the story is nonexistant. This is one of those movie that only the creators get. After watching this "movie" I felt dirty.