Looks good
Cant wait to see it looks preaty good
This is the trailer i made in an attempt to "promote" the movie i'm working on. The trailer isn't really for rating purposes simply because, well.... it's a trailer and i knocked it out in a few hours coz i've almost got the first episode finished. So get ready for some stupidity when the series hits and in the mean time be mildly entertained by this. WHOOOOOOON!
Update 18/08/03 : Ok many sorrys to anybody who was looking forward to the series after seeing this trailer, it's taking me much long than i wanted, not because it's complex but because it's hard for me getting in to a "zone" where i feel like working on it. i'm still to finish the first episode, but i have the next 3 all scripted. Another problem is getting the voices done, as my other voice actors for the characters Ross and Gala are both away to University and i dont get a chance to see them much. i'll do my best to get this finished before november. and another thing, in the 1st ep when i have the audio set to "sync" it seem to stray out of time when a new scene starts and it need to be paused then played again, even if i change the quality, any help would be good, just leave it in a review, -thanks
Looks good
Cant wait to see it looks preaty good
go scotland!
keep going the thing looks good, just more humor!
((( LOOKS GOOD )))
Ok well notbad, looks good, art was ok, so its a trailer and shows what we should expect with view and text good job, i like the top view of the dead, and well the three spinning heads of the guys we will be watching, thsy look like they may have somthing funny, so notbad work, keep it up...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Funny preview...
I'm not sure why, but it reminds me of "Strange Brew". Looks funny. Overall, worth watching.
should be fucking awesome
thats ace dude, should be fucking awesome when the full thing comes out.