Through some technical error, you could not resize this game to a resolution above 480.
Now you can;
Game is now in 720p. Enjoy it on your 4k monitor or whatever you do.
Edit: This only makes the standalone swf file bigger; It dawned on me after submitting that HTML Code can draw flash games at whatever size, sorry.
Game now Runs properly with ruffle emulation;
Please leave comments on whether the game is too slow or too hard, etc. I can fix these.
Arrows- Move
A + Arrows - shoot
A+S- Shoot & Aim
A+D- Shoot & Strafe
F- Cast spell "Paralyze"
SHIFT-HUD display
You are sick of nexusTK, so the GM's have given you a "gun". But the waning nexustk population wont have it; Dozens of nexus players are now out for your blood