Franco Fox finds himself in Fairyland, where Orcs are causing havoc! Help Franco save the Fairies!
Keyboard Controls
Arrow Keys: Move
X : Jump
Z or C: Use Item
Alternative Keyboard Controls
WASD: Move
. or Shift: Jump
/ or ,: Use Item
Controller (Xbox)
Directional Pad: Move
A: Jump
X or B: Use Item
Programming, Art, and Game Design by @tydaze
Construct 2 Plugins by rexrainbow
Music and Sounds by:
Amiga Deluxe
Jon K. Fite
Used under Creative Commons license
Change log:
Feb 6 2023
>added fast forward function to intro
>quicker to respawn from losing a life/restart from Game Over
>adjusted audio balance
Feb 17 2023
>intro now switches from automatic text advancement to manual upon keypress
this is so good
Good game!
this shit rocks. The bonus stage reminds me of the one in Klonoa :3
Man, the difficulty went from 0 to Mega Man the moment I booted up the bonus round! This is the kind of brutality I like to see in a platformer!