Needs some map or something, it's confusing a bit with long distances
At least one is inevitable
Decay is a life simulator where you attempt to juggle many facets of life while falling deeper and deeper into despair
Needs some map or something, it's confusing a bit with long distances
Die to Death: The Videogame. Now that's my January mood.
Great to play a game that aims at making you feel awful, and succeeds with flying col-- I mean, very well.
interesting concept, but the intake questionnaire gave me hope the game would lift my down spirits and by the end it kinda had a bit of the opposite going on lol. I think its interesting and really important a game be about a feeling or like trying to capture one, and depression is a good one to explore, but for me at least, it feels more constructive and helpful to at least live in a little light in the dark, this project was surprisingly dark and moody atmosphere with such minimal assets, which is really impressive but the feeling overall did feel like a bit of a drag, so mission accomplished idk.. haha its great art for sure. Wanted to give it another go but honestly was concerned it might just bum me out even more unintentionally haha. Keep exploring these novel ideas though, really interesting stuff.