Some people will get this an some won't. All I ask is that if you do watch it, watch it till the end. if you don't understand this watch it again. Things will come clear.
This is just a little movie I made While I'm halfway through doing my BIG movie called 'the sitcom'.
Added voices and additional sound effects.
Might involve thinking.
It had an interesting story. I followed it pretty well I think but it was a bit boring. I mean all he really does is have a conversation with himself which would have been fine except the background was almost non-existant and the main character was almost a stick figure. So there really wasn't anything too stimulating graphic wise.
The voices were really terrible I'm afraid. I couldn't understand a word they were saying and it was just plain annoying. The speech bubbles were ok though the words got a little cramped in places.
It was a decent idea but it looks like a bit of a rushed job. Add some background, a better character and even some soft background music and it will be much better.
hahahaha :)
that was... a bit idiotic. good flash!
This is my kinda thing
I love time travel and the paradoxes involved (infact my favorite word is paradox). I like the fast-forward vocal work and the simple drawing style. Like the last guy, I don't understand why he was shot. But oh, well. It's cool anyways.
Nice Concepting
Ok, I understood the paradoxes, the storyline, who is who, the time frames etc- what I DIDN'T get, was just why in the hell the guy got shot... it wasn't explained.
Still, nice animation- smooth where it was used for the button pressing.
Sound made it more worthwhile. Nice work!
I gave you a 6/10 for humour for the interesting ironic touch as opposed to serious laugh out loud effect.
Factor 12 for all the bitchin' dinosaurs!