Entertaining flash
Well this was entertaining xbox battles was funny you should make a new version with all the billions of new systems now anyways nice work it kept me entertainined.
Xbox battle
Watch a grudge match between the main character of halo, whom most of you know, the reigning champ master cheif as he dukes it out with the one who's in every single game of soccer(or football) that you play, the opponent, the soccer ball!!
1.5: everything has been touched up on, better graphics, final round added, more sound, more odd stuff. that sorta crap
Entertaining flash
Well this was entertaining xbox battles was funny you should make a new version with all the billions of new systems now anyways nice work it kept me entertainined.
Xbox battle
i got a good kick out of it some people just dont know greatness when they see it gj make more fights :P
next time....make sure the opponent isnt an inanimate object....unless its a rock. rocks are always funny
This is worse then your stress relievers!
It was really shity!!!!!!
How can you make a video that sucks like that!!
The fight was stupid the graphic was abysmal, the sound was very very boring and the humor... oh yeah, there was none :-)