the croc gets mad but doesnt do anything
Humour gets a ten only for the wink at the end, you should have shown a realistic amount of blood when the guy goes through the fan. Has he just given most of his away or something?
I am open to comments so give me lot's so i can get better???
It is about a CROC who get's mad.....VERY MAD!!!!
the croc gets mad but doesnt do anything
Humour gets a ten only for the wink at the end, you should have shown a realistic amount of blood when the guy goes through the fan. Has he just given most of his away or something?
((( HEH )))
Hmmm well this was abit short, and could use more story like the last guy said, but you do have a few things going for you, like animation and a interesting artworks style, so i say notbad, just more story next time...
MOVIE COMMENTARY A croc goes mad, or maybe he is just hungry...
what the fuck
man u really need a better story line, but then i again, i've seen much worse for a trial, but it was still shithouse
I liked the overall movie, but U should of worked on the croc when he swims...and how does the kid die, does he get eaten or cut up?
Nice work though...
What the...
... a guy who's shredded to pieces by the boat's wheel? This is ok for a first trial... I guess... but it wouldn't surprise me if this doesn't last here in Newgrounds. It just lacks any sort of interesting things, you know.
But if this is your first try, I've seen MUCH worse.