it wont let me buy stuff
Here is its eulogy, a collection of the kind words written about it while still among the living. They shall live on forever in its place.
<p><img src="" width="764" height="430" alt="iu_743645_11822265.webp">Note: The game is <em><u>NOT</u></em> optimized for HTML (simply due to file size) so there might be some audio stuttering when loading, slight input lag, etc. However, it should be more than playable.</p><p><br></p><p><strong>Get the full version on Steam!</strong></p><p><br></p><p>The full version features 4 new game modes, a level-based campaign, a nearly doubled survival shop, and more!</p><p><br></p><iframe src="" width="646" height="190"></iframe><p><br></p><p><strong>Controls:</strong></p><ul>
<li>Left Click - Attack</li>
<li>Right Click/Spacebar - Special</li>
<li>S - Health Pack</li>
<li>D - Special Pack</li>
<li>A - Autoattack (Toggle OFF for maximum DPS)</li>
<li>F - Fullscreen</li>
it wont let me buy stuff
Understood. Working on it.
Should be fixed now.
I added a new endless/non-endless switch and doubled the number of shop points you earn from every run while heavily reducing the price of certain items.