this is pretty much the best thing ever made
This episode is kind of a werid one and there was some kind of problem with my flash and now there is no sound when they run. The songs used in this flash is...
Cardegans - love fool
charles shultz - peanuts theme
speed 69 - the drug force theme
Story line? STORY LINE!? we don't need no stinking story line!!!!
p.s. wait after the credits! theres a message from me!
this is pretty much the best thing ever made
Every flash has its faults sure some have more then others but atleast they have been thought out and have been given attention and atleast there is something to improve on you dont want to make it perfect!
pretty crappy
the only reason you get a seven is cause of the song in the credits Linus and lucy is the shit
((( ODD )))
Heheh well it was odd and strange, the char desin looks cool, lots of detail in the face, the story well it kinda went all ways, i like those two whatever they are black n white char's, heheh nice music, like at the end hehe (CB)...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Iteresting and confusing at the same time with decent art...
Good graphics, good sound, and a funny plot. Great series!