Well, its not like this has been done before, and I dont like these flashs, because I happen to think Bush is doing a great job. In Iraq, all you see on the news is the bads things, insurgents every once and a while, but what you dont hear about is all the new schools that have been built, complete with current books and electricity. Many hospitals have also been built, with much more medicine and vaccinations then they previously had under Saddam's Regime. I'll be honest, i'm not sure what I think of his Social Security plan, but he has done one Hell of a job in Iraq. Do you really think that the people of Iraq were better off? Doesn't really matter, since it is your flash. As for the flash itself, many pictures were horrible, although the one were it says he's gunna fuck the world was pretty funny. Personal attacks on his previous problems isnt funny at all, nor is it honorable. You really think that he rigged the election? What about the Democrat who ran for... senate or congress (not sure) in Washington state who won by about 200 votes, when more people actually voted than there were people, and many were dead. Sound came out nice and clear, and all the buttons worked fine. Good job on that at least, and to be clear, you really dont have to 'be fair' since you are the one making them, but it would be nice, lol. Cya.