:( :( :( :(
You made me really sad :(
:( :( :( :(
You made me really sad :(
this movie sucks and so do you
Not abymsal, but pretty crude.
A smile did cross my face, but it was tedious. And you didn't even use 'Have A Nice Day' by the Stereophonics! Yeesh. :P
Not good at all.
sometimes u gotta go where everybody knows ur name
I barfed after iu watched this cause i got the flu u shit mongrel, ur a shit mongrel too? were both shit mongrels, tight man, so ill see u in shit town, cause that towns craxy baby, im not calling U a baby, im jes saying that to soften a tone. The other day i was at cheers and like, 2 guys knew me, but i went to the bartender and i was like, remember me, and he was like know, so i socked him over the head with a sock full o quarters, bickety bam, the bitch is down, hence, chaos reigns, and i mean when it reigns it pours, all these peepas were jumpin over the counter drinkin straight from the beer thang, everybody in that bar knew me by the time i left, they probobly forgot when i left though, they were pretty drunk, i mean, i was driving and i honked my horn, and said, c'mon tuts, my name is the prince besides would a lunatic drive a 1988 honda accord like this? And then i remembered i was riting a review for some gay ass peice o shit movie that will make me cry myslef to sleep, literaly, and when i wake up, ill go on a rampage and shoot up the streets then kill myself. In a video game. Then ill cavitate myself anddrink some sugar.