this looks great!!!
There are these Invader Zim audio files that the voice actors recorded before they knew the show was getting canceled. "Ten minutes to Doom" is one of them.
The thing that got me into animation was that one day I randomly decided to make the "Invader Zim - WHEN YOU" animation with MarcusShawVA's voice just as an experiment. The experiment proved to be successful on YouTube so I kept going, even though I really had no idea of how to make animations, in fact I'm still learning a lot. But since the frame by frame aspect of actually animating a character was clearly not my strength, I decided to storyboard and composite this scene to learn as much as I could about how to set a scene, in order to let actual animators make the character animations look smoother and such. Even if I'm not a proper animator per se, I really love the process of setting a scene with backgrounds, timing of lines and such. So I'd love to work with people whose strength is more about the actual character animation to make my scenes better.
this looks great!!!