ur funny!!!
ur stuff rox!!
go on, review it, i dare ya!!!
ur funny!!!
ur stuff rox!!
You havn´t done a shit by you´r self except those crappy images on the side. Blam it and the other two versions away from here!
Alright scroticum, you're a bit late as ive already explained. And yet again ive got a review from some n00b who doesnt make any flash. I hear swedens just swimming with aids these days. have a nice day.
I sense a blamming.
I sense an asshole. its a bit late for blamming fuckergeriatric. Your flash isnt much better, because its non existant. I checked out your profile to see if you had any movies, and i saw some picture of a retard. I realised with a start, this guys butt ugly. You're too yung to have a job too, seeing as you're still in school, so I'd be takin that out of there too. have a nice day ugly
You hate blue clock , then i hate you
you say you hate blue clock ,why , its not asif you have better flash skills than him, shit , you dont even have flash skils , frame action > stop
button action > play , wow thats really complex , thats 10 times better than blue clocks random clock appearence in the void 2 , not.I think you should consider how crap you are before you critisise others , and dont bother telling me to look at my flash , because mine might be crap , but at least my work is my work and not somebody eles edited photos , and to top it off, 761k for all that crap , if i want funny pictures i'll go to steak and cheese , if i want a rip off i'll watch a dreamskape cartoon, but yor flash has no use at all , well , actully , you could use it as a bad example.What makes this even better is that some of the bottons didnt work, how crap can you be , is it posible to make a crapper flash than this , dont bother saying that i abuseive and im picking on your poxy level 3 flash for no reason , im doing it because
a)You dissed blue clock's The void II
b)I'll quote this one-"look at my movies for a bit of a titter. review them, i like the feedback."
Hows this for feedback LEARN HOW TO TWEEN YO SICK SONOFABEETCH, in the words of the biggest pussy in the world (dreamskape) "do me a favour , never make flash again"
i know how to fucking tween, and ill have you know my herbs made me fuck up those buttons.and i did watch your movies, and you arent in any position to criticise anyone mate. i hate blue clock, shawn hollern, fu clock, strawberry clock, and all the other badly named clocks.
ps. try not to call yourself a name shared by a gay talkshow host in the future.
HAHAHA, that was funny as hell, good job... actully, you really didnt do anything, eccept get the pictures. but still, HAHAHA
glad u likey liked it