Girls disappear in the city, find bloodied bodies in ditches. At night, when everyone is asleep, he goes out on the hunt for new victims, someone has to put an end to this, how about you.
The translation was done via Google translate, as the game was developed in a short time for pixelday2022
left, right - movement.
Shift- run
enter - interaction.
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Finding this game again took me a while, but it was worth it. Not every horror game needs to rely on cheap jump scares.
I remember this game because it was simple, black and white but it had an easy choice; shoot the killer.
I think it's an underrated game since not many people know this great game.
yeah so i fucking gotta say this game is a glitch fest. although the game is cool, it doesnt make much sense in the slightest due to the language barrier.but it was still a good game.
Неплохая игра. Есть парочка опечаток в тексте, некоторые предложения по самому Богу известным причинам написаны с маленькой буквы и прочие недочёты, не говоря уже о том, что игра достаточно коротенькая и как такового сюжета здесь толком и нет, выглядит скорее как затравка для полноценного более проработанного сюжетно проекта, но в целом очень даже неплохо, атмосферно, приятно было провести за этим зрелищем парочку минут.
I came back to open the boxes that said "open in 2023" and I still can't open em. I waited a whole year but it's okay cause the game is still awesome.
Edit: The boxes can now be opened and I won't spoil anything but I will say I am more than satisfied. The year wait was totally worth it.
maybe try again and it will open)