Try not to worry about keeping the fils size down. ANything below 1000KB is good. Add sound. It wasnt that great really...
This is a nice movie I made while waiting for Generals to release. It has no loading scene because i dont know how to do one!!!
It was hard but i tried to keep the size down. I was aming for 56 k/b but it got up to 80. It has no sound to because the..... well you know! I hope you like the movie and would like you flash exp. to send me some tutorials on how to make an loading scene, i would be very glad if you did that.
Try not to worry about keeping the fils size down. ANything below 1000KB is good. Add sound. It wasnt that great really...
Theres no doubt dat u fucked dis up.
it was ok, but way too short.
this would've been a lot better had it been longer, it had some potential. sound!!
long movies without sound suck. this could have been good with sound.
ERRRRR NOOB!!!!!!!!!!!
well for a start USA would blatently send in Burton to use dinomite on the nuke cos they didnt have any gatllings.