This was fun and the music didn't get on my nerves so that's a plus and the idea of moving to one from to another was good as well.
It's a fun little quiz with chrono.
This was fun and the music didn't get on my nerves so that's a plus and the idea of moving to one from to another was good as well.
Ok, I guess...
Pretty good. It should keep track of your score, though...
I got all but the last one right...
its always good to look back at classic games
loved the quiz reminds me of anouther quiz lke this
chrono made a reference of Kong Fu of reference of David Caradine "Young Grasshopper" line, makes me laugh so hard
Short easy quiz.
Got every one right... the image of Shaq Fu brought many memories of frustration back to me. What a terrible concept for a game. XD I miss my SNES now.