Great for a first timer.
It's not that good, but if you keep working, you can be pretty good.
This is my first serious movie that I am submitting to newgrounds. It's based on a role playing game that me and my company are currently developing, and hopefully this will give you some idea of the coolness of the game. If you would like to help with BladeWars, or have any questions about the game, e-mail me.
Sorry about the crappyness of the drawings, i'm getting better.
The music is called "Adrenaline", and i made it myself, in case you wanted to know. Unfortunatly, due to the fact that i don't think i'm quite good enough at flash yet, there is no big 'splosions or the exessively cool extranuralogical powers. Bear in mind that the game is copyrighted, and if you steal it, we will sue your ass.
Ah, also, if you would like to beta test the game, get in touch.
Great for a first timer.
It's not that good, but if you keep working, you can be pretty good.
Reading thorugh some of the comments I see now that '1' was too nice, here let me explain. First of all the graphics where some of the shittiest graphics I have ever seen on newgrounds. Second, please, please, for the love of god, don't make anymore submissions for a long, long, long, long time. Practice stickfigures and submit them to SFDT then come here when you know what'cha doin'. Third, a game, FUCK NO. Fourth, a game.... FUCK NO. Fith, whoever comments "nice artwork" for this thing is a very stupid 13 year old boy. Don't you have some homework to do?
A bit.... uhh.. retarded?
let me
dude, nice work, good trailer or i love, but yea, you need work on the an amateur flash animater....dude, id love to work on your project, like making flash movies for it....if you would have me tha tis
Something's really cool about this, but... need someone to do the graphics for you. The ideas seem alright to me, but the graphical design is really what weakens it.
Also, I'd consider toning down the high notes in the musical score, it sounded pretty annoying (although/because I have crappy speakers and the bass doesn't get across properly here).
Otherwise, I think it's OK!