It's borderline impossible- I can't even get past 1 set of enemies. Nice concept though, and moving between screens is a simple yet effective addition when compared to it's counterparts of the time
I hope ya like it
It's borderline impossible- I can't even get past 1 set of enemies. Nice concept though, and moving between screens is a simple yet effective addition when compared to it's counterparts of the time
You've made much better games than this one to be sure, you can't even get past the 2nd set of bad guys in this one. The bullet holes it shows on you are a cool idea, but overall this is unplayable.
Pretty fun
I like the game!
Make more please!
Better drawing!
Better Drawing More Weapons Get some cops on your team More Levels. If you do all that I will be happy.
more levels better graphics more weps in fact y not burn in hell for this shit i mean damn greg u shuld get a life!!! and a girlfreind!!! but noo u wanna make shitty flash games!! u got nout man!!ÄV·z¾ðŦ”ø¯P¾L is what i think of ur crappy flash.