hi guys first time caller long time listener i would love the chance to be welcomed on for an episode with the 2DB! please contact me on discord Salty_cyn#1347 will be awaking your call!
2 DUMB BABIES is an animated current events podcast from two comedians who only read headlines. Jokes first. Facts sometimes.
THIS EPISODE ► 2 Dumb Babies talk about Hackers and some of the recent cyber attacks
NEW EPISODES EVERY TUESDAY on YouTube and everywhere you listen to Podcasts
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hi guys first time caller long time listener i would love the chance to be welcomed on for an episode with the 2DB! please contact me on discord Salty_cyn#1347 will be awaking your call!
Dang, if you uploaded every episode, it would have one of the biggest collections here. I'd have to say I love the new animation! They look more like toddlers. I...guess that makes it more mature. I liked those little skits or things in between, especially the live-action one! How is it even a stereotype if the Irish, Russians and Native Americans all do it?
Those aren't even in the same place! Everyone just likes getting drunk. I admit to knowing nothing about hacking even though I constantly go on the Internet. Wasn't "Dumb Babies" a term coined by Rugrats? Elon Musk is STILL everywhere I guess.
Its alright