I was snickering hysterically watching this and at first didn't even realize it was Pokemon-related, I thought you just came up with this out of nowhere and were leaving the tree-like people completely unexplained
I was snickering hysterically watching this and at first didn't even realize it was Pokemon-related, I thought you just came up with this out of nowhere and were leaving the tree-like people completely unexplained
Very nice
I especially like the rain fall in this and some nice characters great voice work too Overall this was pretty decent from start to end. and Quite Frankly I really enjoyed it too, you are making some waves with this one and as I got more into this one, it gradually gets better and the element of suprise is always a fun suprise so nice job here. you have Executed and nothing was really overused and thats always Refreshing. You have cleverly brought some interesting yet positive points across.
None needed
so relatable
I’m scared
oh the poor tree child