nothing awesome
it had a certain quirky cool quality to it, that sort of music is always a winner to me but it was quite boring really and pointless
nothing awesome
it had a certain quirky cool quality to it, that sort of music is always a winner to me but it was quite boring really and pointless
sorry man... i got bored with the introduction screen... but i guess thats my problem.
A cute little movie. I liked it.
That was pointless...
First of all, put something in the 'author's comments' section. Also, I don't know what you intended, but that wasn't funny at all. The sound was done well, but the music was annoying.
I am never nice . . .so here it goes . . .
First of all, humor is not achieved through the use of irrelevancy and disjointedness. This was retarded on many levels but mainly because you are one of the millions who are striving to make people laugh at spastic puns that are overdone. You may think "gee, I sure am original. . .I sure made a number one type of silly movie" No junior, you just replicated yet another tasteless and stupid joke of putting millions of things together that made no sense whatsoever. If this is indeed an intro to something bigger (i.e a series ) then you would have the common sense to put more effort into your first glimpse into what you are going to be submitting, instead of , as before mentioned, splattering shit all over on Portal . . .
a) if i needed to splatter shit all over something, it wouldnt be in teh protal, it would be in meh toilet an
b) you are never nice? impossible. for everything that is now nice, there is a equal and opposite niceness