EXACTLY! If you wanna quit, FUCKING QUIT!!! If you smoke, smoke. If you have withdrawls, leave me and every other sensible human being on this godforsaken mudball we call home, out of it!
Foamy is glad ya stopped smokin'... but don't bother him with the withdrawals...
EXACTLY! If you wanna quit, FUCKING QUIT!!! If you smoke, smoke. If you have withdrawls, leave me and every other sensible human being on this godforsaken mudball we call home, out of it!
foamy spitting facts
He's got a point! He's on point. He's on fire. He's smokin'!
I mean this was a good one.
Foamy is spitting facts here. I can't stand people who pull the "I'm trying to quit" card when they've been smoking around you for years now and haven't been content with their promise. I get it, quitting is hard to do, but at least make the attempt to be considerate to those around you and lower the excuses.
The Marlboro man is now riding out to catch Foamy, dead or alive