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VoxelSrv (Beta)

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VoxelSrv is a voxel game inspired by Minecraft, where you can build, mine and craft (not implemented yet). This game is still in early development, so many features might be not implemented yet! It supports Singleplayer and Multiplayer.

Multiplayer Servers aren't official in any way, you can find anything on them

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very pretty & impressive minecraft clone

i love the art and while i understand that it's incomplete it is nice to wander and view the environment a bit

strafing feels a bit slippery but you get used it i suppose, and i did have to refresh to be able to move in the game. controls work as intended otherwise

good stuff, will follow so i can see further updates!!

That was pretty fun. I made the first half of a house. I was surprised with how many features were in this project, seeing as it's just in beta and all. Hopefully more things will be added in the future because this looks very promising. As a side note, when jumping out of water you can do weird long jumps which give you more height than normal jumps. I'm sure that'll be fixed soon, I just thought that was funny lol.

Instructions plz? I can't seem to do much other than look around. And press numbers to select items on the bottom row.

Since it's unplayable right now it'll prolly get blammed (unless it's just a problem on my computer). Plz re-upload when it's playable though since it looks like it might be cool when it is.

Edit: I reloaded again, and this time I can move around with WASD, jump with space, and use numbers to select stuff at the bottom but mouse clicking does nothing. The mouse scroll wheel moves the item selection, but also scrolls the browser screen even if I clicked in the game to make it capture the mouse. So yeah, something weird's going on.

Patbox responds:

Looks like a bug, I will try to reproduce and fix it! Reload might help, but I'm not sure

I could not really join any multiplayer server (it told me that "the connection is not secure"), but let me share my thoughts anyway.

It's a pretty solid base for a Minecraft clone, if not in very early development. I dig the graphics, honestly. They look really good and original, compared to a lot of those scuffed Minecraft clones you see on the web. This includes the inventory - it looks kind of neat! There's no sounds, I guess. The movement mechanics, I dunno how to rate. Read below why. The worldgen is not featureless, either - it works fine and the chunks load fast. I stated it is featureless before, but I played the game a bit more and it's pretty good.

I like that the early creative inventory allows you to switch pages of items, although it is slightly annoying how when I want to switch blocks, I HAVE to put the one I'm holding in my cursor into an empty space. At the same time, I've noticed how even if I don't do that and just leave the inventory, it still stays on my cursor when I return to the inventory. That's some good forethought. The game's performance is surprisingly good, also. I'd have expected this to melt down my computer the second I turned it on, but no, I'm playing it on Firefox with no fear! It's in the hands of a VERY competent developer.

Now, here's some actual issues:
My mouse keeps sliding down while I'm playing, for some reason, and pressing Space both makes me jump and slides down the page. I think all of those issues are a result of putting the game on a website. Sometimes the mouse buttons don't do anything in the game unless I load a new chunk, which is probably also a result of that. Also, it would be really neat to auto-save the worlds - every time I refreshed the page, my world was simply not there. Although I am glad you can just save your world, anyway.

That's all. I would LOVE to give it more stars. There's just not much this game has to offer now - it's basically what if Minecraft Classic was uploaded to Newgrounds. On the other hand, it's really functional, even at this early stage, so maybe it's worth keeping it around until it's updated? Honestly, you should probably upload it when it's more finished, though, because I feel kind of bad giving it this score even though you put so much work into it. I'll definitely change the score when you add more features to it, though!

Patbox responds:

Thanks for review! I'm currently planning to resolve multiplayer issues (I need to rework backend stuff a little). About space being broken, I will look into that, as it doesn't happen on chrome. Autosave is somewhat planned, but I just didn't have time to implement it. But yeah, this project is far from done and I plan to update it somewhat regularly :) My plans are to have similiar gameplay to Minecraft Alpha/Beta releases.

nice minecraft clone but i can't walk

Patbox responds:

Looks like a bug, I will try to reproduce and fix it!

Credits & Info

2.92 / 5.00

Feb 27, 2021
4:12 AM EST