That is beautiful. It was like a comic book come to life.
"The yellow ship is struck by a rogue astroid, the pilot knocked unconscious. Red, Blue and Green must continue, as they will join yellow if they stop. After many shouts and cries, the pilots had lost all contact of yellow. The ship would not respond to commands when they tried to autopilot through the astroids. The pilots must continue. They are nearly to their destination when Green sees something out of the corner oh his eye. Yellow had returned. Out of the Darkness, the pilots emerge from their cockpits, unharmed, ships beaten, to greet the public of the earth. They are greeted by whooping and cheering as they've just become the very first of human kind to orbit out to Saturn and return with a sample of its ring. They will go down in history as Benjamin Anderson, Garry Raluski, Mary Urillio, and Stephanie Null."